
hamblen-20I have been building custom homes for over 25 years.  In a typical year, I build 15-25 homes.  This level of volume allows me to provide a hands on experience with each individual buyer and provide them with the attention they deserve.  I will start the process by sitting down with you and listening to your ideas.  After that meeting, I will personally draw the plans for your house, review them with you, and make adjustments based on your recommendations.


Quality is never sacrificed. All cabinets are custom built in central Iowa and contractors are selected because of their commitment to quality.  I almost exclusively use local contractors because they give me the best quality and customization available.  Also, most of my employees have been working with me for over 20 years.  This means the team working on your home will have extensive home building expertise, providing you with the highest level of quality possible.  Every memeber of my team is dedicated to producing an outstanding finished product.